A Research of the Curriculum Ideology and Politics in Linear Algebra Teaching
摘要: 大学生的世界观、人生观和价值观迅速走向成熟而又未真正成熟,容易受不良因素的影响,形成不良人格。另外,大学生在线性代数课程的学习中普遍忽视了该课程所蕴含的思想文化价值。因此,高校教师在注重学生专业知识传授和能力培养的同时,应将思想政治教育融入专业课程教学,在潜移默化中做好学生的思想引领和价值观塑造工作。本文对线性代数课程中的思政教学资源进行了挖掘与应用,对线性代数课程思政的实施路径与方法进行了探索与研究,以期对相关专业的课程思政建设提供一些帮助。
Abstract: The world-views and the outlook on life and values of college students are rapidly maturing but not really mature, which makes them easily be affected by adverse factors to form the bad personality. Moreover, college students generally ignore the ideological and cultural value of the linear algebra in their studies. Therefore, college teachers should integrate ideological and political education into the teaching of professional courses to guide students’ thoughts and shape their values imperceptibly, while paying attention to the teaching of students’ professional knowledge and ability training. In this paper, the ideological and political teaching resources in linear algebra course are mined and applied, and the implementation paths and methods of ideological and political teaching are explored. This work is expected to provide some help to the ideological and political construction of related professional courses.
文章引用:郭玉玲. 线性代数教学中的课程思政研究[J]. 教育进展, 2022, 12(10): 3959-3963. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2022.1210604


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