Evil Characteristics: A Due of Implication for Integral Personality
摘要: 人类对人性黑暗面的自我认知走过了壮阔的历史,从最初的哲学思考到人格心理学的理论探究,从自发的分散研究到自觉地开展系统构建。本文以人格心理学的视阈,梳理和评价关于“性恶”的人格构建、测量、经验研究和研究争论,进而给予这一古老而崭新的研究主题相对全面的展现。
Abstract: Human being had explored evil characteristics for a long time, from philosophical level to psychological level, as well as from spontaneous and scattered research to conscious and systematical construction. This paper, from the perspective of personality, had organized and accessed the concepts, measurement, empirical research, and controversies related to evil characteristics, expecting to give the ancient and new theme comprehensive demonstration.
文章引用:郭远兵, 漆昌柱, 黄朝云, 郭小安 (2012). 性恶:完整人格的应有之义. 心理学进展, 2(2), 72-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ap.2012.22012


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