Comparative Study of “the Movement of the Tao by Contraries Proceeds” and “Double Negation Law”
摘要: 老子“反者道之动”的思想历来被认为是其哲学中朴素辩证法的经典表达。老子根据自身的观察和直觉体验发现了事物相生相克矛盾转化的道理,从而道出大道的运行总是向着自身相反的方向。老子的“反者道之动”乍看似乎和黑格尔的“否定之否定规律”很相似,但笔者认为二者根本上有很大的分歧。本文从老子和黑格尔自身的哲学思想出发,力图从文本的角度找出“反者道之动”和“否定之否定规律”的异同。
Abstract: Lao Tzu’s “the movement of the Tao by contraries proceeds” has always been hailed as its philosophy is the classic expression of simple dialectics. Lao Tzu sees things very early phase of complaints contradiction between the transformations of the truth. Therefore, his observations and experiences according to their own intuitive guess Tao is always in the opposite direction. Many Chinese people often think that Lao Tzu’s “the movement of the Tao by contraries proceeds” and Hegel’s “double negation law” expressed the same meaning. I think they both seem the same, but fundamentally there is a huge difference. From the philosophy of Lao Tzu and Hegel’s own idea, this paper wants to find the similarities and differences of “the movement of the Tao by contraries proceeds” and Hegel’s “double negation law”.
文章引用:邱太昌. “反者道之动”与“否定之否定规律”比较研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2012, 1(1): 11-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ass.2012.11002