Research on the Legal Issues of Reducing the Age of Criminal Responsibility
摘要: 自2021年3月1日《刑法修正案(十一)》生效以来,我国还没有一例应用到此条款的刑事案件。本文依托2023年6月1日《未成年人检察工作白皮书(2022)》(下称《白皮书2022)》)的数据以及学界对于刑事责任年龄理论中降低说,维持说和弹性说三个主流观点,对法条应用过程中出现的问题进行探讨,尝试对法规整体作出理解,从完善制度建设角度,提出规范预防未成年人犯罪的条款实施程序,细化未成年累犯重犯刑罚规制及明确新修改条文中认定标准的建议,同时提出建立独立的少年司法制度,完善非刑罚处置措施并建立前科消灭制度的提议。
Abstract: Since the Criminal Law Amendment (XI) came into force on March 1, 2021, there has not been a criminal case applied to this clause in China. Based on the data of the White Paper on Juvenile Procuratorial Work (2022) (hereinafter referred to as the White Paper 2022)) on June 1, 2023, as well as the academic theory on the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility, The three main views, Discuss the problems in the application process of law, Try to understand the regulations as a whole, From the perspective of improving the system construction, To propose the implementation procedures of the provisions regulating the prevention of juvenile delinquency, Refine the penalty regulation of juvenile recidivism and the suggestions for clarifying the identification standards in the newly revised provisions, And also proposed the establishment of an independent juvenile justice system, the proposal to improve the non-criminal punishment disposal measures and establish a criminal record elimination system.
文章引用:杜青雨. 刑事责任年龄降低法律问题探究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(8): 4784-4794. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.128653


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