Similar Constructive Method of Solution for a Class of Boundary Value Problem of Thomson Equation


Abstract: Aiming at the solution for a class of boundary value problem of Thomson equation, we found that its solution can be obtained by structuring similar kernel function with the coefficients of non-homogeneous left boundary condition. While the similar kernel function is constructed by both the function of guide solution and the coefficients of homogeneous right boundary condition. Thus, a new method of solving such kind of boundary value problem is obtained—Similar Constructive Method.


文章引用:范聪银, 李顺初, 许东旭. 一类Thomson方程边值问题解的相似构造法[J]. 应用数学进展, 2012, 1(2): 41-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/aam.2012.12006


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