Discussion on the Path of Contemporary Moral Construction from the Perspective of Socratic Ethics
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2023.1210767, PDF, 下载: 209  浏览: 362 
作者: 兰清帅:贺州学院马克思主义学院,广西 贺州
关键词: 苏格拉底道德伦理学道德建设Socrates Moral Ethics Moral Construction
摘要: 苏格拉底道德伦理学的三大理论为古雅典希腊时期的道德重构做出了突出贡献,分别是“认识你自己”、“美德即知识”、“精神助产术”。这三大理论对人们的道德伦理建设提供了新思路,分别从个体自身的道德追问、美德升华为知识的伦理叩问以及比喻助产术的方式陶冶人们精神追求的角度进行道德伦理建设。出于社会道德建设的角度,我们有必要对苏格拉底的道德伦理学的理论进行细致研究并运用于新形势下的道德建设之中,主要从三大理论的实际内涵以及在当代的适用情况进行论述,并融入了当代道德建设的实际进行探讨。探讨目的在于矫正当代社会道德败坏的窘况,将社会主义核心价值观融入公众日常生活中,从而烘托出积极向上的社会氛围,积极弘扬社会公德,培育良好社会风尚,从而推动社会主义社会朝着积极向善的方向发展。
Abstract: The three theories of Socrates’ moral ethics made outstanding contributions to the reconstruction of ancient Greek morality, namely, “know thyself”, “virtue is knowledge” and “spiritual midwifery”. These three theories provide a new way of thinking for people’s moral and ethical construction, respectively from the individual’s own moral inquiry, virtue sublimation to knowledge ethical inquiry and metaphor midwifery to cultivate people’s spiritual pursuit of moral and ethical construction. From the perspective of social moral construction, it is necessary for us to conduct a careful study of Socrates’ moral ethics theory and apply it to the moral construction in the new situation, mainly from the actual connotation of the three theories and their application in the contemporary situation, and integrate into the contemporary moral construction practice. The purpose of the discussion is to correct the predicament of moral corruption in contemporary society, integrate socialist core values into the daily life of the public, thus highlighting a positive social atmosphere, actively carrying forward social morality, and cultivating good social customs, so as to promote the socialist society to develop in a positive and good direction.
文章引用:兰清帅. 苏格拉底伦理学视域下的当代道德建设路径探讨[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2023, 12(10): 5591-5596. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2023.1210767


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