Danxia Landform Type and Development Mode of Jiangxi Longhu Mountain Geological Park
摘要: 龙虎山和龟峰地区的丹霞地貌,是二座发育在中国东南部信江盆地中段南缘由晚白垩世陆相山麓洪-冲积扇块状红色砂砾岩组成的丹霞山体。丹霞地貌发育主要受控于地层岩性、构造和外动力地质作用等因素。丹霞地貌包含了20种单体形态类型;丹霞群体形态类型以侵蚀残余的宽谷型峰丛、峰林与孤峰残丘并存为特色。依据丹霞地貌形成的主要地质作用方式,地貌成因划分为雨水侵蚀型、流水(河流)侵蚀型、崩塌残余型、崩塌堆积型和溶蚀溶洞型等5种类型。最后对丹霞地貌发育进行了模式反演。
Abstract: The Danxia landform of Longhu mountain Guifeng area is a development of southeast Chinain the middle of the southern Xinjiang basin by the late cretaceous foothills of continental flood-alluvial fan lump of red glutenite Danxia mountain. Danxia landform development mainly controlled by stratigraphic lithology structure and the outside dynamic geological processes and also other factors. Danxia landform contains 20 kinds of monomer type; Danxia group form types to the remnants of the valley of wide erosion type peak, with the peak Guifeng plexus high coexist as characteristics. According to danxia landform form of the main geological mode of action, and the cause is divided into rain type, running water or river erosion type, collapse collapse residual accumulation type and dissolution of karst cave five types. Finally, it shows the development of danxia landform model inversion.
文章引用:吕少伟, 李晓勇. 江西龙虎山地质公园丹霞地貌类型及发育模式[J]. 地球科学前沿, 2012, 2(2): 74-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AG.2012.22010
