Comparative Analysis of Online Distribution Channels of Publishers in the Context of the Epidemic
DOI: 10.12677/JC.2023.114162, PDF, 下载: 89  浏览: 115 
作者: 裴媛媛:北京印刷学院新闻传播学院,北京
关键词: 出版单位图书发行发行渠道线上发行 Publishers Book Distribution Distribution Channels Online Distribution
摘要: 互联网技术的发展为图书发行渠道提供了更多的可能性,图书发行不再局限于传统的线下渠道,出版社逐渐开展了对图书线上发行渠道的布局。而在新冠肺炎疫情的影响下,线下发行渠道受阻,线上发行渠道成了这一时期图书发行的主要方式,本文以磨铁图书和人民文学出版社为例,通过抓取两家出版社线上发行渠道的销售数据,对比分析各个图书发行渠道的特点,找出适合出版社布局的线上发行渠道方式,最大程度地节约出版社的发行成本。
Abstract: The development of Internet technology provides more possibilities for book distribution channels. Book distribution is no longer limited to the traditional offline channels, and publishers have gradually developed the layout of online distribution channels for books. However, under the influence of COVID-19 epidemic, offline distribution channels were blocked, and online distribution channels became the main way of book distribution in this period. This paper takes Xiron and People’s Literature Publishing House as examples, compares and analyzes the characteristics of each book distribution channel by capturing the sales data of online distribution channels of the two publishers, and finds out the online distribution channel mode suitable for the layout of the publishers, so as to save the publishing cost to the greatest extent.
文章引用:裴媛媛. 疫情背景下出版单位线上发行渠道对比分析[J]. 新闻传播科学, 2023, 11(4): 1100-1112. https://doi.org/10.12677/JC.2023.114162


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