Study on the Regional Class of Poets in the Qianlong Period in “Biography of Hubei Poetry Expedition”
摘要: 《湖北诗征传略》是清代学者丁宿章集前人努力,创作出的一本诗文评巨作,记载了湖北历代诗人的事迹及作品。本文以乾隆时期为时间跨度,整理统计湖北籍诗人的概况,并结合历史背景,针对整理情况,从地域分布和阶级分布入手,探讨其形成的主客观因素。
Abstract: “The Biography of Hubei Poetry Expedition” is a masterpiece of poetry and literary criticism created by Ding Suzhang, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, through the efforts of his predecessors. It records the deeds and works of poets from various dynasties in Hubei. This article takes the Qianlong period as the time span, compiles and summarizes the overview of Hubei poets, starts with geographical distribution and class distribution, and combines the historical background to explore the subjective and objective factors that formed them.
文章引用:黄浩炜, 刘思培. 《湖北诗征传略》中乾隆时期诗人地域阶级研究[J]. 历史学研究, 2024, 12(1): 95-99. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2024.121015


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