Discussion on Significance and Value of Sport’s History Course
DOI: 10.12677/VE.2012.11003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,491  浏览: 12,227 
作者: 杨永昌*:成都体育学院体育史研究所,成都
关键词: 体育史现状价值功效Sport’s History; Actuality; Value; Effect
摘要: 本文通过运用文献资料法,通过对我国各专业体育院校和综合类体育学院近年来对体育史学科课程开展状况资料的收集,谈一下体育史学科在整个体育学领域的重要性。体育史学科作为体育学的基础学科之一,它具有开阔视野、追根问底以及改观思辨等方面的功效。因此无论在专业的体育院校,还是在综合类体育学院,其基础功用都不容忽视。但是,据近些年来体育院校和综合类大学内体育学院的开展情况来看,却不容乐观。有的体育院校甚至取消了该门学科。本文就体育史学科在专业体育院校和综合类大学内体育学院开展的意义做一陈述,来激发学术界对体育史这一学科的关注。从而让它在教学过程中承担起相应的功用。
Abstract: By using the documentation method to collect the recent years’ materials about the development of physical education curriculum in our country’s professional sports colleges and comprehensive sports univer-sities, this paper mainly discuss the importance of physical education curriculum to the physical training field. As one of the fundamental curriculum in physical training field, because sports’ history curriculum can widen horizon and enrich mind, its basic functions can’t be ignored in professional sports colleges or comprehensive sports universities. However, it’s in bad condition according to the recent year’s development of physical education curriculum in our country’s professional sports colleges and comprehensive sports universities. Some colleges even had stopped teaching this course. This paper will discuss the significance of teaching sports’ history curriculum in professional sports college and comprehensive sports university to get more concerns from academic circles to this course. Thus it can play well its role in teaching process.
文章引用:杨永昌. 试论体育史学科意义及价值功效[J]. 职业教育, 2012, 1(1): 12-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2012.11003