An Empirical Research on Influencing Factors of Online Group-Buying Satisfaction of College Students in Xi’an
摘要: 本文在对前人有关网络团购满意度影响因素研究的基础上,以西安在校大学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查的方式,获得了西安市大学生网络团购满意度的基本状况,运用统计软件SPSS对调查数据进行统计分析,用AMOS软件对数据进行处理,结果表明:网站质量、网站信誉、商家服务均对大学生团购满意度呈正相关,其中网站信誉对满意度影响最显著。最后有根据性的向团购网站提出策略建议。 Based on previous study of influencing factors of online group-buying satisfaction, in this paper, taking college students in Xi’an as the respondents, we adopted the questionnaire survey method and obtained a lot of information about online group-buying satisfaction of Xi’an college students. Then we used SPSS and AMOS software for statistical analysis and processing. The result shows that: website quality, website reputation, business services, respectively, and online group-buying satisfaction were positively correlated. Especially, website reputation has significant influence on the level of satisfaction. At last, we proposed corresponding strategic recommendations to group-buying web sites.

文章引用:董超. 西安大学生网络团购满意度影响因素实证研究[J]. 电子商务评论, 2012, 1(2): 7-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ECL.2012.12002


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