A Survey of Software Optimization of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem Algorithm
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2012.24023, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,048  浏览: 9,179 
作者: 王家良*, 钱琦锋:南京邮电大学,南京;韦磊, 朱红:南京供电公司,南京
关键词: ECC软件优化算法底层域上层运算Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem; Software Optimization Algorithm; Underlying Field; Upper Computing
摘要: 针对配电自动化系统中明文存储与明文传输的不安全性,ECC是一种可行的加密算法,但其加密效率较低。现对ECC算法软件优化进行分类、分析和对比,综合使用多种算法优化可以提高加密速度。鉴于此,本文提出了关于k的编码、公式改写、综合利用上下层算法软件优化这三个具有广大前景的研究方向。
Abstract: In distribution automation system, workable encryption techniques of elliptical encryption algorithm can be used to solve a security issue of stored in clear text and transmitted in the clear. But the efficiency is poor. Now software optimization of elliptic curve cryptosystem algorithms are classified, analyzed and compared. The result is that several algorithms optimization can be used to improve the speed of algorithm encryption. Therefore, three possible research directions are displayed in the future: firstly, for k coding; secondly, formula can be rewritten; thirdly, the way of opti-mization algorithm of upper field and the way of optimization algorithm of underlying field can be used together.
文章引用:王家良, 钱琦锋, 韦磊, 朱红. ECC算法软件优化的研究综述[J]. 智能电网, 2012, 2(4): 131-136.


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