Karyotype Analysis of 3 Varieties of Carthamus tinctorius L.
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2013.22009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,930  浏览: 10,200 
作者: 岳 帅, 刘 虹, 李 刚, 覃 瑞:;龚汉雨:中南民族大学南方少数民族地区生物资源保护及综合利用工程中心,武汉
关键词: 红花染色体核型 Carthamus tinctorius L.; Chromosome; Karyotype

对3个品种的红花(新疆库车无刺红花、安徽红花、云红3号红花)的核型进行研究。采用酶解去壁低渗火焰干燥法进行染色体制片确定其染色体数目。结果表明:新疆库车无刺红花细胞染色体数目为24条,核型公式为2n = 2x = 24 = 22sm + 2st,属于3B型。核型不对称系数为68.82%。安徽红花的染色体数目为2n = 24。核型公式为2n = 2x = 24 = 18sm + 4m + 2st。属于2B类型,不对称系数为67.57%。云红3号红花染色体数目为2n = 24。核型公式为2n = 2x = 24 = 10m + 10sm + 2st + 2M。属于2B类型,核型不对称系数为60.24%。

Abstract: Karyotypes of 3 different Carthamus tinctorius L. varieties (Xinjiang, Kuche; Anhui; Yunhong 3#- XJ, AH, YH3#) were investigated. The number of chromosomes in Carthamus tinctorius L. was calculated by the method of flame-dying protocol after enzyme digestion of cell wall was used to prepare chromosome. Results showed that the number of chromosomes of XJ was 24. Its Karyotype was formulated as 2n = 2x = 24 = 22sm + 2st which indicated Stebbins’ 3B type. As. K% = 68.82%. The number of chromosomes of AH was 24. Its Karyotype was formulated as 2n = 2x = 24 = 18sm + 4m + 2st which indicated Stebbins’ 2B type. As. K% = 67.57%. The number of chromosomes of YH3# was 24. Its Karyotype was formulated as 2n = 2x = 24 = 10 m + 10sm + 2st + 2m which indicated Stebbins’s 2B type, As. K% = 60.24%.

文章引用:岳帅, 刘虹, 李刚, 覃瑞, 龚汉雨. 红花三个品种的核型比较分析[J]. 植物学研究, 2013, 2(2): 51-55. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2013.22009


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