TCM Syndrome Differentiation Typing and Prescription Me-dication Analysis of Vitiligo Based on the Literature
摘要: 为分析现代文献中关于白癜风的中医辨证分型及处方用药规律,笔者查阅期刊及相关书籍,共收集126个治疗白癜风的中药方剂,并按肝气郁结、脾胃虚弱、肝肾不足、风湿蕴热、气滞血瘀、气血两虚、血热风燥、心肾不交将方剂分为8类,并对各类处方数量、药物的出现频次进行统计。白癜风的主要常见证型为肝肾不足、肝气郁结和气血两虚。现代中医治疗白癜风的主要治法有滋补肝肾,补益气血,活血通络等,统计出当归、蒺藜、补骨脂、首乌、川芎、丹参、防风等为各证型常用中药。
Abstract: For the analysis of the modern literature on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) syndrome and prescription drug law of vitiligo, the author reviewed journals and books, collected 126 prescription medicine treatment of vitiligo, classified the prescription into 8 categories according to liver qi stagnation, spleen and the stomach weakness, liver and kidney deficiency, rheumatism aggregates thermal, qi stagnation, qi-blood deficiency, blood hot air dry and heart-kidney imbalance and gathered the statistics about the number of various prescriptions and drug appearance frequency. The main commonly seen syndrome types of Vitiligo are liver and kidney deficiency, liver qi stagnation and qi-blood defi- ciency. Modern Chinese medicine treatment methods of vitiligo mainly include nourishing liver and kidney, invigorat- ing qi and activating blood and promoting blood circulation network. Statistics show that Angelica, Thistles, Psoralen, Radix, Chuanxiong, Salvia, Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.
文章引用:夏威夷, 赵满忱, 宋诣, 陈柯村, 詹炜祎, 王忆勤, 许朝霞. 基于文献的白癜风中医辨证分型及处方用药分析[J]. 中医学, 2013, 2(3): 35-38. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2013.23009


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