Application Research of Communication Technology for Intelligent Monitoring of Transmission Line
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2014.41003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,293  浏览: 7,607 
作者: 邹冬超, 李开红:清远供电局,清远;陈宝仁:广东省电力设计研究院,广州
关键词: 通信技术无线MESH输电线路Communication Technology; Wireless MESH; Transmission Line
摘要: 本文从输电线路智能监测系统通信网络架构、通信需求分析出发,研究智能在线监测系统的四种通信组网模式和传输通道要求,提出输电线路智能监测系统通信解决方案。在输电线路智能监测系统应用中,通过EPON + 宽带无线MESH工业交换机 + 宽带无线MESH光纤 + 分布式无线宽带系统、无线公网等多种方式的介绍和方案优缺点分析,因地制宜的选择合适的通信模式,实现电力输电线路及杆塔运行状态实时监控,可有效提高输电线路安全性。
Abstract: On the basis of the intelligent monitoring system communication network architecture and communication needs analysis, we have researched the requirements of the intelligent online monitoring system of four kinds of communication modes and the transmission channel, and discussed the solution of the transmission line communication intelligent monitoring system. In the application of intelligent monitoring system for transmission line, through the “EPON + broadband wireless MESH”, “industrial switches + broadband wireless MESH”, “fiber + distributed wireless broadband system”, the wireless public network and other means of introduction and scheme analysis of advantages and disadvantages, we chose an appropriate communication mode to suit one’s demand to local conditions, to achieve real-time monitoring of power transmission lines and tower operation state, which can effectively improve the security of transmission line.
文章引用:邹冬超, 李开红, 陈宝仁. 输电线路智能监测系统通信技术应用研究[J]. 智能电网, 2014, 4(1): 11-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2014.41003


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