Study on Continuous Silicothermic Process for Magnesium Production to Deoxidize the Interior Temperature Field of Pot
DOI: 10.12677/MS.2014.41003, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 2,868  浏览: 8,613  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘杰兴, 金亚旭*, 周旭业, 马半栓:太原科技大学,材料与科学工程学院,太原
关键词: 冶金技术硅热法Magnesium; Metallurgical Technology; Silicothermic Method
摘要: 在金属镁还原原理的基础上,对立式节能型粗镁连续冶炼技术还原罐内传热介质进行物性参数分析、物料传热分析、温度场的计算机模拟,研究了还原罐内热量传递规律和温度场分布规律。结果表明,立式还原罐内温度可以达到1250℃以上,还原效率高,在结晶器上得到了冷凝镁须,金属镁的含量为95.23%
Abstract: Based on the principle of the continuous smelting magnesium technology, the article analyses the physical parameters of the heat-transfer medium in the reduction pot in the continuous silicothermic process for magnesium production. Moreover, in this paper, the feature of heat-transfer process and the temperature field of reduction pot are studied by the computer simulation method. The results show that the intestine reduction temperature can reach 1250˚C and that the reduction efficiency is high. After the end of the reaction, we can get the condensed magnesium in the magnesium crystallizer. The content of magnesium is 95.23%.
文章引用:刘杰兴, 金亚旭, 周旭业, 马半栓. 硅热法连续炼镁还原罐内温度场的研究[J]. 材料科学, 2014, 4(1): 10-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MS.2014.41003