Enrich the Contented Life Circle for the Elders——New Application of Digital Home
DOI: 10.12677/ar.2014.11001, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,176  浏览: 11,551 
作者: 李 智:IBM,台北市;国立中山大学,高雄市
关键词: 老龄社会智慧家庭服务科学Aging Society; Smart Home; Service Science
摘要: 台湾已迈入老龄化,进而对社会产生多样冲击,但也创造新商机。本文从大环境探讨老龄层需求,如何运用台湾既有资通讯技术优势,结合智慧家庭概念,应用服务科学设计方法,具体提出:1) 生活提醒2) 居家安全3) 紧急通知4) 社交互动5) 健康照护6) 居家生活品补给7) 进德修业与二度就业8) 环境监控等八大服务,打造能提升老龄层身心健康与安全之居住环境。
Abstract: Taiwan has entered in an aging society; it impacts the society in various ways but also brings emerging opportunities for business . This paper, taking advantage of the existing mature ICT technologies of Taiwan, bringing the Smart Home concept , uses the Service Design approach to address the eight tangible needs for elder people: 1) Reminders; 2) Home Security; 3) Emergent Notification; 4) Social Life; 5) Health Care; 6) Living Supply; 7) Education/Re-employment and 8) Environment Monitoring. Through these eight services, it will provide a better healthy living for the elder people.
文章引用:李智. 打造乐活老龄祥和生活圈——智慧家庭新应用[J]. 老龄化研究, 2014, 1(1): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ar.2014.11001


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