Dynamic Control of Pankou Reservoir Water Level during Flood Season
DOI: 10.12677/JWRR.2014.35047, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,925  浏览: 7,331 
作者: 尹家波:武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉;刘 松, 胡永光, 董付强, 宋 强:丹江口水利枢纽管理局,丹江口
关键词: 汛限水位预报预泄风险分析数值解法动态控制潘口水库Flood Control Level Forecasting and Pre-Discharge Risk Analysis Numerical Solution Dynamic Control Pankou Reservoir
摘要: 潘口水库从规划设计到建成发电,防洪任务多次变更。目前设计的汛限水位较低,造成汛期雨洪资源的浪费,导致水库在汛后不能蓄水到正常蓄水位,影响了兴利效益。本文建立了汛期水位动态控制模型,包括汛限水位寻优模块、预报预泄法分析模块和风险分析模块。在汛限水位寻优模块中,通过改进的龙格–库塔(Runge-Kutta)数值解法进行调洪演算,结果表明水库主汛期的汛限水位可以由原来的347.6 m提高至350.9 m。采用预报预泄法分析模块和风险分析模块,考虑6 h洪水预报信息,计算求得潘口水库的汛限水位动态控制约束域为350.9 m~351.5 m。实现潘口水库汛期水位动态控制,可以显著地提高综合利用效益。
Abstract: The determination of dynamic control domain of reservoir water level during flood season is one of the important issues for both reservoir operation and water conservancy. The flood control task and operation rule of Pankou reservoir has been changed several times, which leads to low flood control water level and waste water resources during flood season. According to current reservoir operation rules, the flood control water level is derived by the Runge-Kutta numerical solution method. It is shown that the flood control water level during main flood season can be increased from 347.6 m to 350.9 m without reducing flood prevention standards. Based on 6 h flow fore-casting information and pre-discharge operation, the interval of dynamic control water level is es-timated and ranges from 350.9 m - 351.5 m subjected to the constraints without increasing flood control risks. The dynamic control of water level during flood season can significantly increase comprehensive benefits of the Pankou reservoir.
文章引用:尹家波, 刘松, 胡永光, 董付强, 宋强. 潘口水库汛期水位动态控制研究[J]. 水资源研究, 2014, 3(5): 386-394. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/JWRR.2014.35047


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