Association Analysis of Hardy-Weinberg Law and Genetic Drift Theory
DOI: 10.12677/HJBM.2014.44005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,758  浏览: 8,439 
作者: 郭向东:江汉大学医学院生化教研室,武汉
关键词: 遗传漂变基因频率基因型频率突变率Genetic Drift Gene Frequency Genotype Frequency Mutation Rate
摘要: 在一个群体中,突变率,选择,遗传漂变这些因素共同决定了基因频率,基因型频率。因为选择只是对一部分性状起作用,所以基因频率,基因型频率,突变率,遗传漂变这四个因素的整体关系,对群体遗传的变化就尤为重要。遗传漂变理论认为随机因素是影响基因频率的一个重要因素,遗传平衡定律认为,在一个群体中,突变率和选择才是决定基因频率和基因型频率的关键因素。特别是对于选择不起作用的性状,突变率才是决定基因频率的决定因素。即一个群体中,基因频率的高低不是取决于原始群体的基因频率,而是由基因的突变率决定。
Abstract: In a population, the factors determining gene frequency and genetype frequency are the mutation rate, selection and genetic drift. Because the selection only works on the part of characters, so the overall relation among the gene frequency, genotype frequency, mutation rate and genetic drift is very important to the genetic variation of population. According to the theory of genetic drift, random factors influence gene frequency. But according to the theory of genetic equilibrium, in a population, the key factors determining gene frequency and gene frequency are the mutation rate and selection. Especially for the traits of nonfunctional selection, the mutation rate is the deter-mining factor of gene frequency. As a group, the gene frequency is not dependent on the original group, but decided by gene mutation rate.
文章引用:郭向东. 遗传平衡定律和遗传漂变理论之关联性分析[J]. 生物医学, 2014, 4(4): 31-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJBM.2014.44005


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