User Pleasure and Nostalgia in Pattern and Color of Taiwan Blue Dye
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2015.44B010, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,647  浏览: 10,380  国家科技经费支持
作者: 吕佳珍, 张渊然:东海大学工业设计系,台中市,台湾
关键词: 台湾蓝染设计策略涉入程度愉悦度怀旧感Taiwan Blue Dye Design Strategies Involvement Pleasure Nostalgia


Abstract: Blue dye is a traditional fabric dyeing technique in Taiwan. This traditional, complicated and labor-intensive technique has replaced gradually by science and technology owing to the industrial automation and the rise of the chemical agent. The traditional culture of fabric products cannot withstand large and low-priced chemical dyeing products, and therefore the market design strategy of the blue dyeing products needs to be redefined. The main purpose of the present study is primarily to understand the high and low involvement consumers, their valence on the similarities and differences of their affections (pleasure and nostalgia) between the blue dyeing patterns in terms of seam tie-dyeing, folders dyeing, and paste dyeing and the color with dark blue and light blue through qualitative expert interviews. The interviews results show that high involvement consumer preferences dark blue dyeing products than low involvement one. The dark blue dyeing products are prone to product emotions in terms of pleasure and nostalgic feelings than light blue dyeing products. Regarding blue dyeing patterns, consumers prefer the product’s patterns of geometric, flowers and butterflies by paste-dyeing with indigo. However, consumers usually consider seam tie-dyeing and folders dyeing products with indigo because of the consideration of the price and the technical.
文章引用:吕佳珍, 张渊然. 台湾蓝染的图纹色彩之使用者愉悦与怀旧[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2015, 4(4): 71-78.


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