The Artistic Charm of Bird Totem of Hmong in Danzhai
DOI: 10.12677/CnC.2015.33008, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,548  浏览: 7,927  科研立项经费支持
作者: 陈金桃, 赵丽玲:湖北工业大学,武汉
关键词: 鸟图腾渊源蜡染文化锦鸡文化鸟笼文化传承价值The Origin of Bird Totem Batik Culture Caragana Culture Cage Culture Inheritable Value
摘要: 自称为“嘎闹”的丹寨苗族被誉为中国最后的鸟图腾部落,原系中国鸟图腾文化一个支脉。漫长的历史岁月,鸟图腾作为一种原始的宗教信仰已深深积淀在了丹寨苗人的生活之中。其中的蜡染文化、锦鸡文化、鸟笼文化鲜明地体现了丹寨神奇的鸟图腾艺术特点,并持久地影响着丹寨苗人的文化性格。在现代文化的包围中,丹寨苗族鸟图腾文化越来越显示出其独特的魅力。
Abstract: Hmong claiming to be “Ganao” in Danzhai is known as the last bird totem Tribe in China, which is a branch of formerly Chinese bird totem culture. As a primitive belief, the bird totem has been deeply rooted in the life of Hmong in Danzhai after a long history. Therein, the batik culture, caragana culture and cage culture vividly embody the magical art characteristics of bird totem culture, and have a long-lasting effect on the cultural character of Hmong here. Within the enclosure of modern culture, the bird totem culture of Hmong has increasingly demonstrated its unique charm in Danzhai.
文章引用:陈金桃, 赵丽玲. 论丹寨苗族鸟图腾艺术的魅力[J]. 国学, 2015, 3(3): 34-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2015.33008


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