Under the New Normal Policy Design of Construction of Ecological Civilization of Henan
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2015.54018, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,598  浏览: 8,337  国家科技经费支持
作者: 文春波, 刘彩玲, 腾 飞:河南省科学院地理研究所,河南 郑州;张德崇:河南省科学院,河南 郑州
关键词: 新常态生态文明政策设计河南New Normal Ecological Civilization Policy Design Henan
摘要: 生态文明建设上升到党和国家的战略层面。面对经济社会发展新常态,河南理应重新设计生态文明建设的政策框架。分析认为河南省生态文明发展中存在以下政策需求:促进生态文明建设迫切需要开启市场模式;促进生态文明发展的土地政策、税收政策、价格政策、投融资政策需要完善。从产业组织政策、土地政策、价格政策、税收政策、投融资政策、管理政策和绿色贸易保险政策、生态补偿政策、科技支持政策等方面,提出了河南省今后一个时期生态文明建设的整体政策框架设计。
Abstract: The Ecological civilization construction rises to the party and the state strategic level. Facing of the new normal economic and social development, Henan province should redesign policy framework for the construction of ecological civilization. Analyzing the existing in the development of ecological civilization of Henan province in the following policy requirements: promoting ecological civilization construction is an urgent need to open the market model; Land policy to promote the development of ecological civilization, the tax policy, price policy, investment and financing policies needs to be perfect; from the industrial organization policy, land policy, price policy, tax policy, investment and financing policies, management, and green trade insurance policies, ecological compensation policy, science and technology support, etc. put forward the ecological civilization construction in the next period of Henan province’s overall policy framework design.
文章引用:文春波, 刘彩玲, 张德崇, 腾飞. 新常态下河南生态文明建设的政策设计[J]. 可持续发展, 2015, 5(4): 137-141. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2015.54018


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