The Interaction Study of the Inclusion of Fexofenadine with β-Cyclodextrin by NMR
DOI: 10.12677/AAC.2017.71003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,648  浏览: 4,026 
作者: 潘 洁:军事医学科学院放射与医学研究所,北京;赵玉静:军事医学科学院附属医院,北京;赵玉梅:军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京
关键词: 盐酸非索非那定β-环糊精包合物核磁共振2D-ROESY立体结构Fexofenadine β-Cyclodextrin Interaction NMR 2D-ROESY Geometry Structure
摘要: 目的:研究溶液状态下盐酸非索非那定(FFD)与β-环糊精相互作用过程以及包合物立体构型。方法:应用核磁共振(NMR)技术如1D-NMR和2D-ROESY的方法研究了盐酸非索非那定(FFD)与β-环糊精在水溶液中的包合过程以及包合物的立体结构。结论:根据FFD/β-CD不同比例包合物1H-NMR中化学位移的变化以及2D-ROESY,可以判定,盐酸非索菲那定与β-环糊精发生了包合,而且当比例为1:1时,主要是单取代苯环进入β-CD空腔内,而且是从β-CD的宽口进入。
Abstract: Objects: To study the interaction between Fexofenadine and β-cyclodextrin and the geometry structure of the complexation in solution. Methods: The interaction study of the inclusion between fexofenadine and β-cyclodextrin in aqueous solution was attempted by 1H-NMR and 2D-ROESY. Conclusion: The results of 1H-NMR of chemical shift changes and 2D-ROESY in different proportion complexation suggest that there was interaction between FFD and β-CD, and when the molar ratio of fexofenadine to β-cyclodextrin is one, the p-phenyl ring of fexofenadine is predominantly included within β-cyclodextrin cavity, which penetrates deep from the wider rim.
文章引用:潘洁, 赵玉静, 赵玉梅. 应用核磁共振技术研究盐酸非索非那定与β-环糊精包合的相互作用[J]. 分析化学进展, 2017, 7(1): 16-20. https://doi.org/10.12677/AAC.2017.71003


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