Application of Hydraulic Taphole Drill in the Large Blast Furnace
DOI: 10.12677/MEng.2017.41006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,732  浏览: 3,098 
作者: 唐永辉, 刘仕虎:宝钢股份炼铁厂设备管理室,上海
关键词: 开口机高炉液压炉前设备Taphole Drill Blast Furnace Hydraulic Equipment of Taphole
摘要: 全液压式开口机由于结构紧凑、功能强大、性能稳定、开口高效以及对出铁口保护能力强等优点,在大型高炉生产中具有广阔的应用前景。结合宝钢4#高炉全液压式开口机应用实践,比较详细地分析了全液压式开口机6大液压执行机构,给出了开口机液压控制系统结构设计模式,并提出高炉炉前特殊环境下开口机液压系统两种维护模式,为大型高炉炉前使用液压式开口机提供借鉴。
Abstract: Hydraulic taphole drill has wide application prospect in the large-scale blast furnace because of compact structure, powerful function, steady performance, high efficiency and strong protect of taphole. With practice of hydraulic taphole drill in the No.4 blast furnace of Baosteel, six hydraulic actuators in hydraulic taphole drill are analyzed in details, then design methods for hydraulic system of taphole drill are offered, and two maintenance modes for hydraulic system of taphole drill in the special environment are put forward. This is the reference for the application of the hydraulic taphole drill in the large-scale blast furnace.
文章引用:唐永辉, 刘仕虎. 全液压式开口机在大型高炉上的应用[J]. 冶金工程, 2017, 4(1): 43-49. https://doi.org/10.12677/MEng.2017.41006


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