Smart Retailing Service Models and Feasibility Study
DOI: 10.12677/MOM.2017.72006, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,188  浏览: 5,306 
作者: 李 智:国立中山大学,台湾 高雄
关键词: 智慧零售服务设计线上线下模式消费者历程物联网Smart Retail Service Design Online to Offline Customer Journey Internet of Things
摘要: 智慧零售议题正夯,消费者行为模式之偏好,促使线上商城与线下展场协作,重新思考零售之新概念——结合新颖科技以黏着顾客,方能满足新世代已习于使用互联网消费群之需求。本文归纳出智慧零售整体观,并为零售业者与相关服务商提出具体面向,使智慧零售能从概念落地到实施,营造消费者购物之新体验。
Abstract: The Smart Retailing is emerging; The preference of consumer buying behavior demands the brick- mortars and the e-commerce to elaborate a new business model—Applying the technologies to create a new path of increasing the customer intimacy and to bring this innovative retail value to those who are already familiar with the Internet interactions. This paper presents a Holism, from conception to feasibility, perspective about Smart Retailing to the current retailers and the related solution providers to bring new buying experience to the customers.
文章引用:李智. 智慧零售服务模式与实施分析[J]. 现代市场营销, 2017, 7(2): 49-56. https://doi.org/10.12677/MOM.2017.72006


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