Current Status and Trend of Holmium Laser and Ultrasonic Combined Lithotripsy
DOI: 10.12677/IaE.2017.52003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,879  浏览: 4,413  国家科技经费支持
作者: 曹欣雨, 于源华*, 庞春颖:长春理工大学生命科学技术学院,吉林 长春
关键词: 钬激光器电光调Q技术超声碎石直接数字频率合成器Holmium Laser Electro-Optical Q-Switched Technology Ultrasonic Lithotripsy DDS
摘要: 结石可造成管腔梗阻,影响受累器官或液体的排出,产生疼痛,出血或继发性感染等症状,如何在达到高效碎石目的的同时将术后患者身体损伤降至最小是一个亟待解决的问题。本文首先回顾了早期碎石技术。其次,由于科学技术,医学仪器的发展推动着医疗水平的不断进步,故分析了在钬激光器,超声换能器等方面,钬激光碎石,超声碎石各自的临床应用。最后,对于钬激光与超声联合碎石的关键技术,新的进展进行了比较详细的阐述并探讨在该领域下一步可能的研究方向。
Abstract: Stones can cause luminal obstruction, affect the affected organs or liquid discharge, resulting in pain, bleeding or secondary infection and other symptoms. Therefore, how to achieve the purpose of efficient lithotripsy at the same time to minimize the physical damage of postoperative patients is an urgent problem to be solved. Firstly, the early lithotripsy technology was reviewed in this article. Secondly, as the development of science and technology, medical equipment promotes the continuous progress of medical level; their respective clinical applications of holmium laser lithotripsy and ultrasonic lithotripsy were analyzed on the terms of holmium laser, ultrasonic transducer. Finally, the key technologies and new development of holmium laser and ultrasonic combined lithotripsy were reviewed in detail; possible directions in future were discussed as well.
文章引用:曹欣雨, 于源华, 庞春颖. 钬激光与超声联合碎石的现状及发展趋势[J]. 仪器与设备, 2017, 5(2): 17-24. https://doi.org/10.12677/IaE.2017.52003


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