Breeding and Application of High Yield Late Rice New Combination Wuyou 76
DOI: 10.12677/HJAS.2017.73031, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,276  浏览: 2,307  科研立项经费支持
作者: 涂瑞友:会昌县文武坝镇农业综合站,江西 会昌;宋龙飞:会昌县农业和粮食局,江西 会昌;钟跃毅*, 周 奇:赣州广根农作物种子研究开发有限公司,江西 会昌;李亚勇:江西洪崖种业有限责任公司,江西 南昌
关键词: 杂交晚稻五优76选育Late Hybrid Rice Wuyou 76 Breeding
摘要: 五优76系由江西洪崖种业有限责任公司用“五丰A”作母本与自育晚稻强恢复系“R76”配组而成的高产晚籼优质杂交稻组合。该组合株型松散,剑叶宽挺,茎秆粗壮,分蘖力强,穗粒数多,着粒密,结实率较高,千粒重小,产量高,熟期转色中等特点,2017年通过江西省品种审定(赣审稻20170033)。
Abstract: Wuyou 76 is a high yield and quality late indica hybrid rice combination developed by Jiangxi Hongya seed industry limited liability company (JXHY). It used “Wufeng A” as female parent and a strong restorer line “R76” developed by JXHY as male parent. It is characteristic of loose plant type, wide and straight flag leaf, strong and thick culm, strong tillering ability, large number of grains per panicle, big grain density, higher seed setting rate, small grain weight, high yield and excellent turn color at late growth stage. It was registered and released to commercial produc-tion by Jiangxi Provincial Crop Variety Appraisal Committees in 2017. (Approval Number: Ganshendao 20170033).
文章引用:涂瑞友, 宋龙飞, 钟跃毅, 周奇, 李亚勇. 高产晚稻新组合五优76的选育与应用[J]. 农业科学, 2017, 7(3): 230-237. https://doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2017.73031


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