The Design and Application of City Smart Growth Evaluation System Based on Dunhuang City
DOI: 10.12677/CSA.2017.77077, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,422  浏览: 1,877  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 宋阿羚*, 刘海峰, 刘守生:解放军理工大学理学院,江苏 南京
关键词: 城市精明增长复合生态系统熵值法灰色关联模型Urban Smart Growth Compound Ecological System The Entropy Value Method Grey Correlation Model
摘要: 城市精明增长理论是城市可持续发展理论的重要延续,对我国城市发展具有重要的战略意义。城市精明增长方案的设计与优化可以使其有限资源产生的效益最大化。本文首先基于城市精明增长准则建立城市精明增长多指标综合评价体系,进而使用熵值法对评估模型中各因素进行赋权,随后对甘肃敦煌市2010~2015年六年的城市发展状况的精明增长指数SMI进行评估。最后,借助灰色关联模型对敦煌市城市总体规划(2013~2030)中2018~2023年的六年城市增长计划进行量化评估并给出相关规划的优化建议。
Abstract: The city smart growth theory is an important part in urban sustainable development theory, which has a strategic significance in our urban development. The city smart growth plan of design and optimization can make limited resources to produce the maximization of benefit. Firstly, based on the smart growth criterion, this paper establishes a multi-index comprehensive evaluation system of urban smart growth. Moreover, the entropy value method (EM) is used to weight the various factors in the evaluation model so as to evaluate the smart growth index SMI of Dunhuang city in development during the period of 2010 to 2015. Finally, on the basis of grey correlation model, this article will make quantitative evaluation on the growth plan of Dunhuang city during six years from 2018 to 2023 and put forward optimization suggestions.
文章引用:宋阿羚, 刘海峰, 刘守生. 城市精明增长评估体系的设计与应用——以敦煌市为例[J]. 计算机科学与应用, 2017, 7(7): 662-670. https://doi.org/10.12677/CSA.2017.77077


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