Financial Risk Early Warning Model of Decision Tree Research Based on Z-Score Indicators
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2017.75026, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,547  浏览: 5,339  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 杨蕴毅*, 孙中和, 卢 靖:审计署计算机技术中心,北京
关键词: 财务风险预警Z-score决策树Financial Risk Early Warning Z-Score Decision Tree
摘要: 财务风险预警模型是预测财务危机的主要手段之一。Z分数模型以其公式严谨、可操作性强等特点,被广泛应用。然而,Z分数模型是否适用于预警中国企业的财务危机仍存在争议。为此,归集了沪市上市公司2007~2013年的财务报表数据,实证发现ST公司与非ST公司的Z值线性不可分。揭示了:本质上为线性区分方法的Z分数模型存在局限性。因此,利用Z分数模型原有指标,提出了基于决策树的财务风险预警模型,解决Z分数模型失效问题。实证研究表明:所提出的预警模型提前3年预测ST公司财务危机的准确率达75.37%,提前1年预测的准确率达95.45%。
Abstract: Financial risk early warning model is one of the primary means of forecasting financial crisis. Z-score model has been applied widely since it has precise formula and good practicability. However, as regard to the adequacy of using Z-score model to forecast financial crisis for domestic companies, there is a dispute. Therefore, we collect financial statements data from 2007-2013 of Shanghai listed companies, and prove that Z scores between ST companies and non-ST companies are linearly inseparable. It reveals that Z-score model with linear separable principle in nature, has its own limitation. Hence, this paper brings up a financial risk early warning model of decision tree based on Z-score indicators and it solves the problem of Z-score model. The empirical research shows that the decision model given by this paper can forecast financial crisis three years before it happens with 75.37% accuracy, and with 95.45% accuracy one year ahead of crisis occurance.
文章引用:杨蕴毅, 孙中和, 卢靖. 基于Z-Score指标决策树的财务风险预警模型研究[J]. 现代管理, 2017, 7(5): 185-193. https://doi.org/10.12677/MM.2017.75026


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