A Summary of Japanese Scholars’ Research on Yunnan Minority Cultural Studies in the 21st Century
DOI: 10.12677/MA.2017.53005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,939  浏览: 4,386 
作者: 陈诗颖*:云南大学外国语学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 少数民族文化研究学者趋势动向Ethnic Minorities Culture Research Scholars Trends
摘要: 本文通过在日本国立情报研究所网站Cinii检索关键词“云南省”,从检索出的1196篇论文中,筛选出817篇与少数民族文化相关的论文。再罗列出发表日期为2000年后的406篇论文,对研究领域、研究机构、研究动向等进行了分析得出,日本学者对云南少数民族的研究领域广,但研究趋于减少,出现了一些新的研究动向,研究视角趋向于多样。
Abstract: This paper chooses the first 817 papers related to the culture of ethnic minorities in the 1196 papers retrieved by searching the keyword “Yunnan province” at Cinii website of Japan National Institute of Information Science. And then lists the 406 papers published after 2000, the research field, research institutions, research trends were analyzed. Japanese scholars have a wide field of research on Yunnan ethnic minorities, but the research tends to decrease. There have been some new research trends, and research perspective tends to diversity.
文章引用:陈诗颖. 21世纪日本学者对云南省少数民族文化研究的现状综述[J]. 现代人类学, 2017, 5(3): 33-39. https://doi.org/10.12677/MA.2017.53005


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