Tracing the Analysis of Status Consumption: From the Perspective to the Analysis of Influencing Factors
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.710148, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,828  浏览: 4,730 
作者: 屈卫国, 陈 迪:湖南师范大学教育科学学院,湖南 长沙
关键词: 地位消费炫耀性消费补偿性消费自我概念Status Consumption Conspicuous ConsumptionCompensatory Consumption Self-Concept
摘要: 地位消费指个体为展现或获得较高社会地位购买地位产品,致力于传递地位信号以改变他人对自己看法的动机过程。已有的研究从客观社会地位视角和情景诱发视角对地位消费进行研究,前者基于静态角度对个体消费特点进行探究,后者从动态角度探讨个体在不同地位感知下的地位消费。现有研究发现地位消费受个体特性、商品属性和文化差异等因素影响。深入剖析地位消费的内部动机、实验方法拟真化和本土化研究等将是地位消费研究的发展趋势。
Abstract: Status consumption refers to a motivational process that people buy status products to show or get s higher social status and transfer the status signal to change what others think of themselves. This paper studies the status consumption from the perspective of objective social status and specific perspective. The former explores the characteristics of individual consumption based on static angle. The latter explores the status consumption of individuals under different status perception from a dynamic perspective. Existing research has found that status consumption is influenced by many factors such as individual characteristics, commodity attributes and cultural differences. Depth analysis of the internal motivation of the status of consumption, experimental methods and localization of localized research will be the research trends of status consumption.
文章引用:屈卫国, 陈迪 (2017). 地位消费探析的追踪:从视角到影响因素分析. 心理学进展, 7(10), 1191-1198. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.710148


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