Thinking and Practice of Cultivation Mode of Veterinary Major in Regional Universities
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76050, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,096  浏览: 3,195 
作者: 吕慎金, 陈现伟, 李富宽, 井文倩, 李永洙:临沂大学农林科学学院,山东 临沂
关键词: 区域性高校农学人才培养Regional University Agronomy Student Cultivation
摘要: 在区域性综合大学中设置农学类专业,对培养适应区域需求的现代农业发挥了重要作用。如何结合区域农业经济发展的现状,更好的立足地方需求,融入到区域经济建设中,则是区域性综合大学设置农学类专业重要研究课题。本文以临沂大学动物医学专业为例,结合多年来不断的探索、改革以及实践,从人才培养模式改革的探索与实践等方面阐述,为提高动物医学专业人才培养质量提供帮助。
Abstract: Setting up the major of agronomy in the regional comprehensive university has played an important role in cultivating modern agricultural talents adapted to regional needs. It is an important research subject of setting up the major of agronomy in the regional comprehensive university that how to combine the current situation of regional agricultural economy development for better local demanding and integration into regional economic construction. In this paper, we take animal medicine of Linyi University as an example, and combine the exploration, reform and practice in recent years to expound the exploration and practice of the reform of talent training mode for improving the quality of veterinary professionals.
文章引用:吕慎金, 陈现伟, 李富宽, 井文倩, 李永洙. 区域性高校动物医学专业人才培养模式的思考与实践[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 323-327. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76050


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