Agricultural Water Price Reform in International Perspective: A Review
DOI: 10.12677/WER.2017.64009, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,547  浏览: 4,254  国家科技经费支持
作者: 胡继连, 曹金萍, 靳 雪:山东农业大学经济管理学院,山东 泰安
关键词: 农业水价改革研究综述研究展望Agricultural Water Price Reform Research Review Research Prospect
摘要: 国内外的研究普遍认为,农业水价改革是解决农业用水浪费问题的主要途径,水价应该成为调节农业用水的重要经济机制。农业水价改革的目标价格是供水成本,提价的同时应该给予适当补贴。农业水价改革的未来研究重点应该是:农用水定价的理论依据、水价补贴的科学调整、水价改革路径的正确选择。
Abstract: Domestic and foreign research generally believe that the reform of agricultural water price is the principal approach to solve the problem of agricultural water waste, and water price should become a critical economic mechanism to regulate agricultural water use. The target price of agricultural water price reform is the cost of water supply, and should be appropriately subsidized at the same time. The future research emphasis of agricultural water price reform should be as follows: the theoretical basis of agricultural water pricing, the scientific adjustment of water price subsidies, and the correct choice of water price reform path.
文章引用:胡继连, 曹金萍, 靳雪. 国际视野下的农业水价改革:一个研究综述[J]. 世界经济探索, 2017, 6(4): 79-83. https://doi.org/10.12677/WER.2017.64009


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