A Study on the Stimulating Strategy of Deep Learning in the Cultivation of Innovative Thinking of Computer Professionals
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2017.76062, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,408  浏览: 3,096  科研立项经费支持
作者: 徐光伟*, 孙金鑫, 黄利利*, 燕彩蓉, 潘 乔, 史春红:东华大学计算机科学与技术学院,上海
关键词: 创新思维培养深度学习激发策略学习模式Creative Thinking Training Deep Learning Stimulating Strategy Learning Model
摘要: 信息技术不仅极大的促进了科学技术的发展,也为科学技术的教育事业提供了新的技术手段和方法。然而,教育随着时代的发展始终是个不老的话题,围绕着如何提高教学质量,仍然有很多方法和技巧促使人们去探索。深度学习作为一种高效的面向分类人群的知识学习方法,通过细化的分析问题,精准的学习方法,深化的学习模式,以简卸繁的帮助学习者更深一步的培养创新思维能力。
Abstract: Information technology has not only greatly promoted the development of science and technology, but also provided new technical means and methods for the education of science and technology. However, education has always been a hot topic with the development of the times. There are still many ways and techniques to promote people to explore around how to improve the quality of teaching. Deep learning as an efficient knowledge-oriented learning method for the classification of people, helps learners to further develop innovative thinking ability in a simple manner instead of the tedious way through the refinement of the analysis of the problem, accurate learning methods, deepen the learning model.
文章引用:徐光伟, 孙金鑫, 黄利利, 燕彩蓉, 潘乔, 史春红. 计算机专业人才创新思维培养中深度学习的激发策略研究[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(6): 390-396. https://doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.76062


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