Study on the Validity of Metalinguistic Explanation in Second Language Academic Writing
DOI: 10.12677/ML.2019.71006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 920  浏览: 1,826  科研立项经费支持
作者: 马建军, 韩懿懿:大连理工大学,外国语学院,辽宁 大连
关键词: 书面纠正性反馈元语言反馈二语学术写作Written Corrective Feedback Metalinguistic Explanation Second Language Academic Writing
摘要: 近年来,书面纠正性反馈是二语写作和二语习得研究中极富争议的话题。本研究重点在于考察元语言这种书面纠正性反馈的有效性,及其对于学生二语学术写作中语言习得的作用。本研究采用“前测–干预–后测”的实验设计,通过学术论文引言写作及方法论写作两种测试方式,来考察反馈的效果。实验结果显示,元语言反馈的方式在一定程度上可以促进相关语法知识的习得。
Abstract: In recent years, the topic of written corrective feedback remains controversial in the field of Second Language Writing and Second Language Acquisition. This study aims at examining the va-lidity of metalinguistic explanation in second language academic writing. It adopts the experiment design of “pretest-intervention-posttest” to examine the effectiveness of metalinguistic explanation by the introduction and methodology writing of academic papers. Results show that metalinguistic explanation can effectively promote the acquisition of grammatical knowledge to some extent.
文章引用:马建军, 韩懿懿. 二语学术写作中元语言反馈的效度研究[J]. 现代语言学, 2019, 7(1): 34-42. https://doi.org/10.12677/ML.2019.71006

1. 引言

二语习得作为一门独立的学科始于中介语错误分析,在其40余年的发展历程中,错误的性质、作用以及纠错对外语学习所产生的影响等问题,始终受到二语习得界的高度关注。书面纠正性反馈(written corrective feedback)作为一种常见的纠错形式,随着Truscott [1] 提出书面纠正性反馈的消极作用后,大量实证研究开始探讨其是否有效。而近年来越来越多的研究将重点转移为哪种反馈方式更有效,其中一个研究方向便是学习者的自我编辑能力(self-editing)如何影响纠正的效果。Sheen [2] ,Bitchener and Knoch [3] ,Shintani和Ellis [4] 以及Shintani [5] 等讨论了学习者元语言解释纠正性反馈的效果,但并未取得一致结果,因此仍存在争议,还需进一步探索。

Bitchener [6] 认为,元语言反馈包括书面元语言反馈(在学生的文章末尾提供语法规则和示例,供发生的语言错误参考)和口头元语言反馈(例如,讲解规则和示例、供大家实践和讨论的迷你课堂;教师和学生之间的一对一的个人会议或教师和学生之间的小组会议)。书面元语言反馈有两种常见形式,其一,通过对错误进行编码的方式来指出错误类型(如Robb et al., [7] );其二就是通过指出所犯错误数量,然后对每种类型的错误提供简短的元语言解释(如Bitchener和Knoch, [6] )。


1) 学生对反馈的态度如何以及其反馈偏好是什么?

2) 元语言反馈能否促进学生语法知识的习得?效果怎么样?

2. 研究方法


2.1. 研究对象

对象为某985大学博士生一年级的30名中国学生。其中有29名被试参加了一项语法知识前测(2001年由Ferris和Roberts [8] 所提出),该测试满分18分。基于学生所得分数分成两班,利用SPSS的单因素方差分析功能,结果显示两个班的水平测试分数无显著差异,F (1, 27) = 0.017,P = 0.736,P值大于0.05,因此这两个班的学生英语水平差不多,没有显著差异,可以进行下一步的实验。我们随机指定其中一个为元语言反馈班(n = 15),另一个为对照班(n = 15),未参加考试的学生分到对照班。

2.2. 目标语法结构


Table 1. Description of error categories used for feedback and analysis

表1. 用于教师反馈和分析的错误类别描述

之于为什么选这五类语法错误,是根据Ferris先前的研究资料(Ferris et al., [9] 来选择和操作的。这里使用的五个类别代表了在同一环境下,英语作为第二语言的作者,其文本中所犯所有错误最常见的五种类型(Chaney, [10] )。

2.3. 研究设计






2.4. 测量工具

1) 语法知识调查问卷


2) 语法知识测验

本文所用语法知识测验(见附录A.2)与Ferris等人2001年所用测验相同 [8] 。测试涵盖三部分,所有问题皆与那五种错误类别相关,旨在通过此来进行反馈和分析。第一部分中,学生需找出每一个句子中所包含的错误并标记出其对应的错误类型。第二、三部分是选取的某一位学生的文章片段,其中标出了六处错误,使用与第一部分标记时相同的标记方式,标记出这六处错误的错误类型,并对其进行改正。测试共计18分,每一部分各6分,其中难度最大的是第一部分,因为被试需自己找出句子中的错误并找到对应的错误类型;第二部分难度有所降低,因为错误已经划出,标记所犯错误类型即可;第三部分相对来说是最容易的,因为只需将错误改正过来。

3. 研究结果

3.1. 语法知识调查问卷结果


Table 2. Prior knowledge about grammar

表2. 是否学习过相关语法知识和术语


Table 3. Students’ error feedback preference

表3. 学生倾向于何种反馈方式


3.2. 语法知识测验结果



Figure 1. Results of two classes’ One-way ANOVA Test

图1. 两个班级单因素方差检验结果


3.3. 语言错误标记结果



Figure 2. Results of ME and control group’s Independent sample t-test

图2. 元语言反馈与对照组的独立样本T检验结果



Figure 3. Results of ME group paired-sample T-test

图3. 元语言反馈组的配对样本T检验结果


Figure 4. Results of control group paired-sample T-test

图4. 对照组的配对样本T检验结果


4. 结语






Appendix A. Instruments used in data collection

A.1. Grammar knowledge questionnaire

1. In English classes you have taken before, have you ever learned any English grammar rules or terms (noun, verb, preposition, etc.)? Circle one answer.

(a) Yes, a lot

(b) Sometimes

(c) Very little, or never

(d) Not sure

2. Has an English teacher ever told you that you have problems with any grammar rules? Please circle any specific problems that a teacher has told you about.

None Nouns-plural endings Articles Verb tenses

Verb forms Subject-verb agreement Word choice Sentence structure

3. In your own opinion, what problems do you have with using English grammar in your writing? Circle all problems that you think you have.

None Nouns-plural endings Articles Verb tenses

Verb forms Subject-verb agreement Word choice Sentence structure

Don’t know

4. Please circle ONE statement which BEST describes how you feel about your English grammar:

(a) My English grammar problems are very serious and really hurt my writing.

(b) Although I don’t know much about English grammar, it’s not a serious problem for me.

(c) English grammar is not really a serious issue for me. Other writing issues are more important.

(d) I’m not really sure whether English grammar is a problem for my writing.

5. In your opinion, what is the best way for me to give feedback about your grammar errors in your writing? Please circle ONE statement only:

(a) Don’t correct my grammar. Let me try to correct my errors myself.

(b) Only correct the most serious errors.

(c) Circle my errors, but don’t correct them for me.

(d) Circle my errors and tell me what type of error it is (verb tense, word choice, etc.).

(e) Correct all of my errors for me.

A.2. Grammar knowledge pretest

A. Each of the sentences below has an error in it. Using the terms from the KEY below, match the error type with each sentence. [Each sentence has only one error, and you will not use any error type more than once.]

Error Type Key:

1. Noun ending (plural or possessive) missing or wrong

2. Article or determiner missing or wrong

3. Verb tense wrong

4. Verb form wrong

5. Wrong word

6. Sentence structure error

1. _______ I didn’t buy the car because I didn’t wanted to spend so much money.

2. _______ We all rushed to help because my uncles house was on fire.

3. _______ I didn’t worry about my English. Now, I understood how important it is.

4. _______ I looked at all of the cars and picked up the one I wanted.

5. _______ For immigrants there always something that makes them live unhappily in this country.

6. _______ When you are student, you always have to study hard.

B. In the student essay excerpt below, there are six errors marked. Using the same KEY that you used for Part A above, identify each error type and suggest a correction.

“College Pressures”

I need to disagree with Zinsser when he states, ‘‘professors who actually like to spend time with students don’t have much time to spend.’’ I that most professors try to spend as much time as possible with their students. I have seen many who sometimes are willing to stay half an hour after the class is over to explain to students any misunderstanding they might have the material the professor is teaching.

When I think of peer pressure I see it more as an encouragement for me to succeed in a class. But Zinsser states peer pressure is a disadvantage to a student. I disagree with him completely. When one of my peers receives a higher grade than I do most of the time it does not make me feel jealous or feel it makes me understand that if I try just a little harder that I could do just as well as the other students. who I have classes with never in my face that they did better than me.

A.3. Editing exercise cover sheets

Teacher feedback on your grammar errors: correction codes (Group A)

To the Student: Using the codes listed below, I have marked errors in the five categories listed. Please go through your paper and try to make as many corrections as you can, using the codes to help you understand what the error is.


[1] Truscott, J. (1996) The Case against Grammar Correction in L2 Writing Classes. Language Learning, 46, 327-369.
[2] Younghee, S. (2007) The Effect of Focused Written Corrective Feedback and Language Aptitude on ESL Learners’ Acquisition of Articles. TESOL Quarterly, 41, 255-283.
[3] Bitchener, J. and Knoch, U. (2010) Raising the Linguistic Accuracy Level of Advanced L2 Writers with Written Corrective Feedback. Journal of Second Language Writing, 19, 207-217.
[4] Shintani, N. and Ellis, R. (2013) The Comparative Effect of Direct Written Corrective Feedback and Metalinguistic Explanation on Learners’ Explicit and Implicit Knowledge of the English Indefinite Article. Journal of Second Language Writing, 22, 286-306.
[5] Shintani, N., Aubrey, S. and Donnellan, M. (2016) The Effects of Pre-Task and Post-Task Metalinguistic Explanations on Accuracy in Second Language Writing. TESOL Quarterly, 50, 945-955.
[6] Bitchener, J. and Knoch, U. (2010) The Contribution of Written Corrective Feedback to Language Development: A Ten Month Investigation. Applied Linguistics, 31, 193-214.
[7] Robb, T., Ross, S. and Shortreed, I.A.N. (1986) Salience of Feedback on Error and Its Effect on EFL Writing Quality. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 83-96.
[8] Ferris, D.R. and Roberts, B. (2001) Error Feedback in L2 Writing Classes: How Explicit Does It Need to Be? Journal of Second Language Writing, 10, 161-184.
[9] Ferris, D.R. and Helt, M. (2000) Was Truscott Right? New Evidence on the Effects of Error Correction in L2 Writing Classes. Paper Presented at the AAAL Conference, Vancouver, BC.
[10] Chaney, S.J. (1999) The Effect of Error Types on Error Correction and Revision. MA Thesis, Department of English, California State University, Sacramento.