A Management Model of International Petroleum Exploration Project Risks Based on Dissipative Structure
摘要: 通过对耗散结构的介绍以及国际石油勘探开发项目的分析,得出国际石油勘探开发项目是一个耗散结构的结论,并给出了基于耗散结构的海外石油勘探开发项目风险演化过程分析。最后,构建了基于耗散结构的国际石油勘探开发项目的风险管理模型。
Abstract: Through the introduction and analysis of dissipative structure and international petroleum exploration project, came to the conclusion that international petroleum exploration project is a dissipative structure. Then analysis the process of risk development of international petroleum exploration project with dissipative structure. Finally, build the risk management models of international petroleum exploration project based on dissipative structure.
文章引用:丁浩, 章晶晶, 陈雪敏, 曹亚宏. 基于耗散结构的国际石油勘探开发项目风险管理模型分析[J]. 管理科学与工程, 2012, 1(3): 19-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MSE.2012.13003


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