Scaling Behaviors of the Urban Street Networks in Taiwan
DOI: 10.12677/app.2012.22007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 3,510  浏览: 11,879 
作者: 蒋幼龄*, 邹忠毅, 陈钰翔:中国文化大学物理系
关键词: 街道网络小世界标度性质台湾
Street Networks; Small World; Scaling; Taiwan
摘要: 我们研究了台湾都市街道网络的标度性质。建立了数个都市(台北市、台中市、台南市和高雄市)的基本与二重网络图;分析它们的各种统计性质(例如度分布、度关联性、特征长度、整体与局部特征等等)。结果显示,各城市道路长度和连接数的累积分布函数都大致遵守幂次律下降的函数形式。
Abstract: We studied the scaling behaviors of the urban street networks in Taiwan. We established the primal and dual graphs of networks from several sample cities (Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung), and analyzed their statistical properties such as degree distributions and street length distributions. The results show, the cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of connectivity and length of road are both following the approximate power law.
文章引用:蒋幼龄, 邹忠毅, 陈钰翔. 台湾都市街道网络的标度性质[J]. 应用物理, 2012, 2(2): 41-49.


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