Research on the Logistics Competitiveness Evaluation of Airport Based on FCE-AHP
DOI: 10.12677/mm.2012.22010, PDF,  被引量 下载: 4,009  浏览: 10,957  国家科技经费支持
作者: 沈丹阳:中国民航大学经济与管理学院物流管理系;俞彩梦:厦门航空福州分公司
关键词: 机场物流竞争力模糊综合评判FCE层次分析法AHP天津滨海国际机场
Logistics Competitiveness of Airport; Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE); Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); Tianjin Binhai Airport
摘要: 2004年中国机场属地化改革已基本完成,机场作为一个独立的法人实体,其竞争力研究,尤其是物流竞争力研究一直处于起步阶段,尚无系统的关于机场物流竞争力内涵、影响因素、评价、提升策略等方面的研究。本文基于机场物流竞争力的内涵和影响因素界定,通过采用AHP和FCE法建立机场物流竞争力评价模型,并以天津机场为例进行综合评价,根据结果提升天津机场物流竞争力的措施,为机场物流竞争力评价提供了一种行之有效的方法。
Abstract: Since 2004, China Airport has been basically completed the reform of territorial, as a separate le- gal entity, airport’s competitiveness research, especially the competitiveness of airport logistics still has been in its infancy. There are no system studies on the meaning, influencing factors, evaluation, enhance strategies on airport logistics competitiveness. Based on definition on airport logistics competitiveness and its impact factors the meaning and, this article use the AHP and FCE to establish the airport logistics competitiveness evaluation model, and set Tianjin Binhai Airport as a comprehensive evaluation example. Finally, this article put forward the measures of competitiveness enhancement, based on the evaluation results, which offers an effective method on airport logistics competitiveness evaluation.
文章引用:沈丹阳, 俞彩梦. 基于FCE-AHP的机场物流竞争力评价研究[J]. 现代管理, 2012, 2(2): 51-57. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mm.2012.22010


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