Challenges and Countermeasures of the Development of China Soft Power: From the Perspectives of the Construction of Rule of Law
DOI: 10.12677/ass.2012.11003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 3,270  浏览: 10,900  国家科技经费支持
作者: 刘国福:北京理工大学法学院,北京
关键词: 软实力法治法律Soft Power; Rule of Law; Law
摘要: 中国国家软实力发展面临着先天不足、后天努力不够、极少关注制度层面国家软实力等挑战。发达法治可以转化为强大软实力,提高综合国力和国际竞争力。加强法治是应对中国软实力发展面临挑战的重要对策之一,实践中却常常被不应有的轻视甚至忽略。要从弘扬法治精神、加强法律制度建设和融入国际法律秩序等方面入手,树立中国软实力正面形象,使中国国家软实力发展具有稳定性和可持续性,主动适应世界其他国家软实力的变化。
Abstract: The challenges the development of China soft power faces are handicapped by the weak of hard power, the lack of great effort, and few consideration on the system for soft power etc. Advanced rule of law might be transformed into strong soft power. Comprehensive national strength and international competition ability will be then promoted. To strength the rule of law should have been regarded as one of the most countermeasures to respond the challenges. To carry forward the sprit of the rule of law will project a better and more positive China image. To promote the legal systems may enhance the stability and sustainability of the development of China soft power. To integrate into international law order could be helpful to accommodate China to the changes of other countries soft power in the world.
文章引用:刘国福. 中国软实力发展面临的挑战和应对:以法治建设为视角[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2012, 1(1): 17-23.


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