Antidumping in International Trade and its Policy Implication on Industry Safety
DOI: 10.12677/wer.2012.12002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 4,198  浏览: 14,185  国家科技经费支持
作者: 鲍晓华:上海财经大学国际工商管理学院,上海
关键词: 反倾销产业安全Antidumping; Industry Safety
摘要: 反倾销是目前国际上使用范围最广、实施最频繁的一种贸易措施,在最近30年的扩散和发展中,国际反倾销表现出不同的阶段性特征。本文整合了1981~2008年间的国际反倾销诉讼案件,建立了全球反倾销数据库,对国际反倾销立法和实施情况、反倾销的总量变动和结构性变动、反倾销的国别特征和行业特征以及国际反倾销的非对称性等方面的内容进行了分时段的统计分析,尤其关注WTO成立之后国际反倾销的新动向。对国际反倾销规律的整体把握和对华反倾销最新动向的考察,对我国利用反倾销更好的维护产业安全具有重要的启示意义。
Abstract: Anti-dumping (AD) investigations are widespread since early 1990s. However, the situation re-cently is quite different from that observed early. This paper focuses on the assessment of the new AD phe-nomenon and its historical development based on a self-constructed global antidumping database during 1981-2008. We discuss the time pattern of adoptions of AD laws and initiations of AD filings, the different roles played by the developing and developed countries, countries’ asymmetric position being a plaintiff and defendant as well as industrial concentration and some other characteristics of antidumping proliferation. The policy implications are drawn based on the statistics pertaining to the worldwide caseload.
文章引用:鲍晓华. 国际反倾销的新动向及其对我国产业安全的启示[J]. 世界经济探索, 2012, 1(2): 7-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/wer.2012.12002


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