Potholes Repair Technologies for Asphalt Pavement of Main Country Highway
DOI: 10.12677/OJTT.2013.22028, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,973  浏览: 10,862 
作者: 冯学文:陕西省宝鸡公路管理局,宝鸡;赵岩*:西安公路研究院,西安;席玉峰:陕西省交通建设集团公司西安绕城分公司,西安
关键词: 沥青路面坑槽冷补热补Asphalt Pavement; Potholes; Cold Patch; Hot Patch
摘要: 通过对沥青路面的坑槽产生机理分析和7种修补技术和工艺的归纳,对坑槽修补工艺进行了深入探讨。文章结合陕西省干线公路养护经验,对坑槽修补技术进行寿命周期费用分析,表明:冷补法适用于应急性施工;但从经济效益和公路养护质量方面,热补工艺具有修补质量好、耐久性高、成本低的优势。养护中应两者兼备,有机结合。
Abstract: The paper explores the potholes mends process by analyzing potholes growth mechanism and summarizing 7 repair technologies. Through life cycle cost analysis of various potholes repair technology and combining experience of Shaanxi Province trunk road maintenance, the articles shows that the cold patch method applies to the contingency construction. However, from the economic efficiency and the quality of road maintenance, hot-fill process has the advantage of good quality, high durability, and low cost. It is recommended to combine the cold-fill method with hot patch method in road maintenance.
文章引用:冯学文, 赵岩, 席玉峰. 国省干线公路沥青路面坑槽修补技术[J]. 交通技术, 2013, 2(2): 154-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJTT.2013.22028