Possibilities and Limits of Using Animal Models to Research Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome
DOI: 10.12677/TCM.2013.23007, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,910  浏览: 8,784 
作者: 黄建华, 蔡外娇, 沈自尹:复旦大学附属华山医院中西医结合研究所
关键词: 主观客观动物模型中医证候Subjectivity; Objectivity; Animal Model; Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome
摘要: 经过分析,本文发现所谓“人的主观感觉不能复制”的观点不完全正确,形成主观感受的客观基础是可以在动物复制的,从而为采用动物模型研究中医证候提供了部分理论上的根据;并提出了两个增强中医证候动物模型研究可靠性和准确性的方法:用内源性物质制作表型组合的方法;基于中医阴阳的基本原理的“连续动态造模反向匹配”方法。This paper finds that the viewpoint that subjective perception of people can’t be reproduced in animals is not exactly true. The objective basis underlying subjective perception of people can be copied in animals, which thus pro- vides some theoretical grounds for using animal models to research traditional Chinese medicine syndrome. We also suggest two methods of enhancing the reliability and accuracy of animal models for traditional Chinese medicine syndrome. One is to generate phenotype combination by use of endogenous substance, the other is a method named “continuously dynamic modeling-reverse match” based on fundamental principle of Yin-Yang in traditional Chinese medicine.

文章引用:黄建华, 蔡外娇, 沈自尹. 论利用动物模型研究中医证候的可能性及其限度[J]. 中医学, 2013, 2(3): 26-29. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/TCM.2013.23007