The Prevention and Control of Somatic Variation and Its Application in Breeding
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2013.25021, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,995  浏览: 12,859  国家科技经费支持
作者: 赵月明, 赵雁鸣, 刘玉鲲, 何承忠:西南林业大学林学院,昆明;西南林业大学西南山地森林资源保育与利用省部共建教育部重点实验室,昆明
关键词: 体细胞变异影响因素防控遗传基础育种Somatic Variation; Influencing Factors; Prevention and Control; Genetic Basis; Breeding
摘要: 植物体细胞变异在组织培养中是非常普遍的现象,对改良植物品种和选育新品种具有重要的意义,但同时也是植物组培的一大难题。本文在研究影响体细胞变异因素的基础上尝试体细胞变异的防控办法并对植物体细胞变异的遗传基础做了具体分析,包括染色体变异、基因突变、DNA重复序列的改变、转座子活化、DNA甲基化状态改变、基因沉默等。植物体细胞变异作为一种有效的育种途径,仍然存在一些问题。
Abstract: Plant somatic variation is a common phenomenon in the course of tissue culture and it plays an important role in improving varieties and breeding new varieties of plant, but it is also a major problem in the plant tissue culture. In this paper, based on the study of influencing factors we try to find out the ways to prevent and control plant somatic variation. The main genetic bases of plant somatic variation, including chromosome variation, gene mutation, change of DNA repeat sequence, transposon activation, DNA methylation, gene silencing etc., are analyzed. As an effective way of breeding, plant somatic variation still has some problems.
文章引用:赵月明, 赵雁鸣, 刘玉鲲, 何承忠. 植物体细胞变异的防控及育种应用[J]. 植物学研究, 2013, 2(5): 117-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/BR.2013.25021


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