The Bifurcation of Economic Developments in South Korea and Taiwan in the Early Twenty-First Century
DOI: 10.12677/ETW.2013.34009, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,813  浏览: 9,394 
作者: 汪 恺, 蔡恒进:武汉大学国际软件学院,武汉
关键词: 韩国台湾发展自我肯定需求认知膜Korea; Taiwan; Development; Self-Assertiveness Demand; Cognitive Membrane
摘要: 韩国与台湾是典型的发展型国家(地区),二者具有相似的经济和社会发展历史背景,但在实现了高速增长阶段后最终分化,走上了不同的发展道路,并在21世纪初期前者持续增长而后者停滞不前。本文在自我肯定需求理论的框架内,应用“认知膜”和“自我肯定需求”解释韩台经济发展背后的根本原因,指出实现经济可持续增长的途径在于政府是否能够在认知膜的框架下满足国民自我肯定需求、驾驭国家(地区)经济,实现经济生态系统的平衡与进化发展。
Abstract: South Korea maintained optimistic economic momentum whileTaiwanbore stagnation in the early twenty-first century. The analysis applies concepts of self-assertiveness demands and cognitive membrane to revealing the bifurcation of the two developmental states (regions) which had similar paths in economy and social development, and indicates that sustainable economic growth relies on the balanced and dynamic evolution processes coordinated by government under cognitive membranes.
文章引用:汪恺, 蔡恒进. 21世纪初期韩台经济发展分化原因分析[J]. 财富涌现与流转, 2013, 3(4): 53-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ETW.2013.34009


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