The Overview of the Study on the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Child’s Development
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2014.41003, PDF, HTML, 下载: 4,003  浏览: 12,366 
作者: 黄彩清:深圳市福田现代社工事务所,深圳
关键词: 父母参与儿童发展研究 Parental Involvement; Child Development; Study
摘要:  0~6岁是儿童身心快速成长的时期,父母是他们最早的老师,会对他们起到长远而深刻的影响。近几十年的研究更让人们认识到家庭与学校及社区关系将影响儿童的身心智的发展。有效的父母参与可以促进家庭和学校及社区的互助关系发展,增强父母对儿童学习教育和社会教育的责任感,从而促进儿童身心智多方面的健康成长。应明确父母参与的结构、影响父母参与的因素,弄清楚父母参与哪些结构对儿童哪些方面有积极的作用,从而为父母参与提供有效的参考。
Abstract: 0 - 6 years old children’s body and mind is in a rapid growth period, parents are their first teachers, can affect the long-term and profound on them. For some decades’ research in recent years, people have realized the relations among family, school and community will affect children’s physical and mental development. Effective parents’ involvement can promote family and school and community mutual relations, enhance the parents’ education and social responsibility for children, so as to promote children’s physical and mental aspects of the healthy growth of wisdom. It is necessary to make clear the structure and factors of the parental involvement, and which structure will play a positive role to children, so as to provide effective reference to parents.
文章引用:黄彩清 (2014). 父母参与对儿童发展的关系研究综述. 心理学进展, 4(1), 11-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2014.41003


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