The Research on Time Synchronization Technology for Smart Power Grid
DOI: 10.12677/SG.2014.41001, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,616  浏览: 9,258 
作者: 吴赞红:广东电网电力调度控制中心,广州;黄远丰:广东电网公司珠海供电局,珠海;熊 刚:广东电网公司佛山供电局,佛山;仝晓明:北京邮电大学网络与交换技术国家重点实验室,北京
关键词: 电力通信网时钟同步SDHSmart Power Grid; Time Synchronization; SDH
摘要: 基于SDH地面链路传递高精度时间的电力全网时间同步系统是智能电网的发展方向。本文首先分析了电网时间同步的现状,并提出电力系统对于时间同步的需求。兼顾广东省电网调中心、地调中心、变电站三级架构,在不改变现有电网时间同步系统构架与设备的前提下,提出了以卫星时间基准源为主、地面时间基准源为辅的电网全网时间同步系统设计方案,将高精度时间基准通过地面链路从网省中心传递到各变电站、电厂,实现电力系统的全网时间同步。
Abstract: To support precision time transmission with SDH link in ground applied in Time Synchronization System is the development direction in Smart Power Grid. First of all, the paper analyzes the current situation of network time synchronization, and proposes the requirement for electric power system time synchronization. Without changing the existing grid under the premise of time synchronization system structure and equipment, we integrate Guangdong Grid Control Center, DiDiao Center, and the substation into designing time synchronization system architecture based on satellite time reference source and ground source. It could pass the high precision time reference from each province center to the substation and power plant and also realize the power system network-wide time synchronization.
文章引用:吴赞红, 黄远丰, 熊刚, 仝晓明. 面向电力通信网的时间同步应用技术研究[J]. 智能电网, 2014, 4(1): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SG.2014.41001


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