Study on Taiwanese Businessmen’s Investment Strategy upon Economic Development Strategy of China
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2014.34B010, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,551  浏览: 7,618 
作者: 荣雄生*:真理大学应用日语学系,淡水,台北,台湾;曾兴发*:明新科技大学应用外语系,新竹,台北,台湾
关键词: 中国经济发展战略台商投资策略走出去Economic Development Strategy of China Taiwanese Businessmen’s Investment Strategy Going out


Since the reform and liberation of China in 1978, upon the principle of “wealth first” and the development strategy, the country has obtained rich outcomes from the implementation in coastal trial cities to liberation of coastal areas. However, due to geographic conditions and the concentrated investment in coastal areas, the gap increases with the inland. In order to fulfill the long-term objective of “harmonious society” and increase incomes in villages, China actively expanded the economic development effect from eastern China to western, central and northeastern China. Nevertheless, the effect is partial instead of significant. Upon the economic development strategy, Taiwanese businessmen develop a highly flexible investment model. In addition, investment in Taiwan from China which gradually changes from the country being invested to the investment country will be another issue encountered by Taiwanese businessmen. 


文章引用:荣雄生, 曾兴发. 中国经济发展战略下之台商投资策略研究[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2014, 3(4): 66-70.