Evolution of Japanese Civilization and Social Cognitive Membrane
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2014.24008, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,769  浏览: 9,334 
作者: 余雪松, 耿嘉伟, 蔡恒进:武汉大学国际软件学院,武汉
关键词: 自我肯定日本文明认知膜Self-Assertiveness Japan Civilization Cognitive Membrane
摘要: 日本具有历史悠久、独特而富于变化的文明。独特的文明、地理、历史状况使得日本社会形成了独特的认知膜,且随着日本文明的演变而不断变化。从大化改新到明治维新,再到二战后,日本文明发展体现出明显的“学中国”到“学欧美”的变化。本文力图通过对于日本文明三个时期不同文明特征的分析,说明自我肯定需求在日本文明变化中起到的根本性作用,以及日本社会认知膜的主要特征,并对当下中国应当如何预测和应对日本的变化给出了自己的建议。
Abstract: Japan has a long history, with a unique and aboundant change of civilization. The complex situation, including unique culture, lonely geography and distinctive history development, makes the Japanese society form a unique cognitive membrane, followed by changing the evolution of Japanese civilization. From Taika Reform to Meiji Restoration, even after the Second World War, the development of Japanese civilization has obviously changed from “learning China” to “learning Europe and America”. Through analyzing the characteristics of three periods for Japanese civiliza-tion, this paper tries to indicate that self-assertiveness demand has played a fundamental role and been the main feature of Japanese social cognitive membrane during the evolution of Japanese culture. Also this article gives some advices on how to predict and respond to the change of Japan for present China.
文章引用:余雪松, 耿嘉伟, 蔡恒进. 日本文明与社会认知膜的演变[J]. 历史学研究, 2014, 2(4): 79-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2014.24008


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