The Changing Value of Public Spaces and Satisfaction Measurement—Public Library
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2014.34012, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,518  浏览: 12,004  国家自然科学基金支持
作者: 李 智:国立中山大学,高雄
关键词: 公共空间社会资本人物志参与观察服务科学Public Spaces Social Capital PersonaParticipation Observation Service Science
摘要: 融合知性、美学、文化、休憩,与教育等多元公共空间肩负起建立社会资本群内认同、群外延伸与异阶联系三大关系实现载具,然仍有为数不少之公共空间因疏于与在地文化需求相结合而利用率偏低,服务提供者应如何动态掌握服务用户需求变化进行空间规划与活动安排,避免公共投资浪费,至关重要。本文提出服务价值论述辩证程序,尽可能地减少盲点,并以公共图书馆为例,建议一套客观科学方法使用者满意度搜集与评量机制,持续保有公共空间之资源价值,积极提高利用率,以减轻社会大众于型态变迁过程中所带来之种种压力。
Abstract: The public spaces, as the carriers, combine with intellectual, aesthetic, cultural, recreational, and educational ingredients to realize the social capital relationships including the bondage, the bridge, and the linkage. However, there are still a number of public spaces under low utilization; how the service providers are able to capture the needs from the users dynamically to plan the spaces and the activities appropriately are essential to avoid the possibility of low return of the public investment. This paper presents a rebuttal process against the planning of the spaces and the activities to reduce the blind spots as possible. It also takes the public libraries as examples to suggest an objective scientific approach to collect user service-experienced data to measure their satisfaction, so that the public spaces can maintain and derive new social resource value by in-creasing the facilities usage, eventually alleviate the pressure from the process during the society migration brought to the citizens.
文章引用:李智. 价值演进公共空间与服务满意度评量方法—以公共图书馆为例[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2014, 3(4): 91-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2014.34012


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