The Discussion of Environmental Cognition Concerning the Vertical Greening Utilized on Commercial Building Facades—The Case in Taipei
DOI: 10.12677/SD.2015.52004, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,767  浏览: 8,849 
作者: 蔡淑莹, 邱彦钧, 蔡旻霖:国立台北科技大学建筑与都市设计研究所,台北
关键词: 垂直绿化商业建筑民众认知Vertical Green Commercial Building Public Cognitions
摘要: 本研究以电脑视觉模拟应用配合问卷法调查民众对于商业建筑物外墙推动垂直绿化之认知与态度,探讨使用者对于垂直绿化推行之认知、疑虑以及绿覆率偏好。本调查共发出157份问卷,有效回收问卷142份,用SPSS统计软体(Statistical Package for Social Science)进行回收问卷之分析。分析结果得知整体受访者普遍认同垂直绿化认知问项,最有疑虑部分为[蚊虫问题]与[维护费用过高],而在年龄、职业、教育程度对于垂直绿化会有认知差异,整体受访者认为商业建筑推动垂直绿化之最适合绿覆率为百分之五十。
Abstract: In this paper, it uses application of visual-analog simulation coinciding with questionnaires to in-vestigate the public cognitions and attitudes on propaganda of vertical green of commercial building facades, then discusses the user’s cognitions, concerns and preferences of implementation of vertical greening. In all 157 questionnaires, containing 15 invalid questionnaires and 142 invalid questionnaires which are analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software. The consequence of analyzing shows that most of subjects, merely concerning on “mosquitoes problem” and “steep maintaining expenditure”, agree with the questions of vertical greening, and has cognitive divergence of vertical greening from different ages, careers and education levels. Overall subjects consider the adequate green plot ratio of vertical greening prompted by contractors is 50 percent.
文章引用:蔡淑莹, 邱彦钧, 蔡旻霖. 垂直绿化应用于商业建筑外墙之环境认知探讨——以台北市为例[J]. 可持续发展, 2015, 5(2): 19-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SD.2015.52004


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